Queen'S Day – Netherlands

Queen’S Day – Netherlands

Queen’s Day is a public holiday celebrated on April 30 in the Netherlands. It is also known as Koningsdag. The holiday was originally established to celebrate the birthday of Queen Wilhelmina, but after she died in 1948, it was changed to honour King Willem-Alexander’s birthday instead. 

On Queen’s Day, the royal family traditionally visits different cities around the Netherlands. In Amsterdam, there are street parties and open-air concerts throughout the city. The day ends with a fireworks display at Dam Square.

It’s Queen’s Day in the Netherlands, celebrating our much-loved queen’s birthday, Beatrix. With street parties, concerts and other events happening throughout the country, it’s a great time to be Dutch!

What Day is Kingsday Netherlands?

Kingsday Netherlands is celebrated on the 27th of April each year. It is a national holiday in the Netherlands that celebrates the birthday of King Willem Alexander. The day is also known as Koningsdag.

What Do the Dutch Do on Kingsday?

On Kingsday, the Dutch celebrate the birthday of their king, Willem-Alexander. The holiday is celebrated nationally, and many participate in street parties and parades. Some cities also hold special events, such as concerts or fireworks displays.

Will Kingsday 2022 Happen?

The question of whether Kingsday 2022 will happen is a difficult one to answer. Many factors will come into play in making the decision, including the current political situation and the state of the economy. Additionally, several holidays fall on or around Kingsday, which could make it difficult to schedule. 

Ultimately, the decision will come down to whether or not there is enough interest from both businesses and consumers to warrant holding the event.

What Do the Dutch Celebrate on 5 May?

In the Netherlands, 5 May is a public holiday known as Liberation Day. On this day, the country celebrated its liberation from Nazi Germany in 1945. The Dutch people remember and honour those who fought for their freedom and those who lost their lives during World War II. 

Liberation Day is also a time to reflect on the importance of democracy and human rights.

Queen’S Day Amsterdam

Queen’s Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands. It is celebrated on April 30, the birthday of Queen Beatrix. The holiday was originally called Prinsessedag, or Princess’ Day, but was renamed in her honour when she became queen in 1980. 

The holiday is celebrated with street parties and festivals throughout the country. In Amsterdam, the celebrations are particularly lively. The city centre is filled with people dressed in orange (the national colour), dancing and drinking in the streets. 

Many stalls also sell food and drink and traditional Dutch products such as clogs and cheese. Queen’s Day is a great time to visit Amsterdam and experience Dutch culture at its best!

King’S Day Netherlands 2022

King’s Day is a public holiday in the Netherlands that celebrates the birthday of King Willem Alexander. It is held on April 27, the king’s actual birthday. The holiday was previously known as Queen’s Day and was held on April 30 to celebrate the birthday of Queen Beatrix. 

Since 2014, when King Willem-Alexander ascended to the throne, it has been known as King’s Day. People wear orange clothes or accessories to show their Dutch pride on this day. There are street parties and music festivals all over the country. 

Amsterdam has a huge flea market where people sell second-hand goods. King’s Day is always a fun and festive day in Holland!

Queen’S Day Amsterdam 2023

Queen’s Day is a public holiday celebrated on 30 April in the Netherlands. It is also known as Koningsdag. The holiday was originally established to celebrate the birthday of Queen Wilhelmina, who was born on 31 August 1885. 

However, after she died in 1962, the holiday was renamed Queen’s Day and moved to 30 April, the date of her coronation in 1898. The holiday is still observed on this date even though no queen has reigned over the Netherlands since Wilhelmina abdicated in 1948. Queen’s Day is celebrated throughout the Netherlands with street parties, concerts, flea markets and other events. 

In Amsterdam, the festivities are particularly lively. It is one of the few occasions when visitors can see the city’s canals filled with boats decorated with orange streamers and flags. If you’re planning to visit Amsterdam during Queen’s Day, book your accommodation in advance, as hotels tend to fill up quickly. And don’t forget to wear something orange!

Queen’S Day 2022

Queen’s Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands. It is celebrated on April 30, the birthday of Queen Beatrix.

National Queen Day

It’s National Queen Day! Today we celebrate all the amazing women who have made a difference in our world. From queens of the industry to queens of the stage, these powerful women have inspired us and shown us what’s possible. 

Let’s take a moment to celebrate their accomplishments and remember that we can all be queens in our way.

Kings Day

If you’re looking for a party, you’ll find one on Kings Day in the Netherlands. It’s a national holiday celebrated on April 27th each year. The day marks the birthday of King Willem-Alexander and is an opportunity for Dutch people to come together and celebrate their country. 

There are street parties and festivals all over the Netherlands, with music, food and drink, and plenty of oranges – the national colour. In Amsterdam, the celebrations start early with a special flea market where you can find all sorts of bargains. Later in the day, there are parades, street performers and more music to enjoy. 

Whether you’re Dutch or just visiting, Kings Day is a great way to experience some Dutch culture and have a lot of fun too!

Queen’S Day Australia 2022

Queen’s Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands, celebrated on 30 April each year. The holiday commemorates the birthday of Queen Beatrix, born on this day in 1938. It is also known as Koningsdag or King’s Day. 

In Australia, Queen’s Day is celebrated on the second Monday in June each year. It is a public holiday in all states and territories except Western Australia and Queensland. On Queen’s Day, Australians celebrate with parades, street parties and festivals. 

Many people wear orange clothing or accessories, as this is the national colour of the Netherlands.

Queen’S Day China

Queen’s Day is a public holiday in China. It is celebrated on the third day of the Lunar New Year and marks the birthday of the Queen Mother of China. People participate in activities such as Dragon Boat racing, eating special foods and visiting temples on this day.


Queen’s Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands. It is celebrated on April 30, the birthday of Queen Beatrix. The day was originally called Princess’ Day, but after Beatrix became queen in 1980, it was renamed Queen’s Day. 

On Queen’s Day, people dress in orange (the national colour of the Netherlands) and celebrate with street parties, music, and dancing. Amsterdam is especially festive, with parades and concerts throughout the city.

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